Supervised Learning (PyTorch)#
The ImageClassifier
is a simple LightningModule
for image classification.
It accepts a vision datamodule as input.
Click to show the code of the ImageClassifier class.
class ImageClassifier(LightningModule):
"""Example learning algorithm for image classification."""
def __init__(
datamodule: ImageClassificationDataModule,
network: HydraConfigFor[torch.nn.Module],
optimizer: HydraConfigFor[functools.partial[Optimizer]],
init_seed: int = 42,
"""Create a new instance of the algorithm.
datamodule: Object used to load train/val/test data.
See the lightning docs for [LightningDataModule][lightning.pytorch.core.datamodule.LightningDataModule]
for more info.
The config of the network to instantiate and train.
optimizer: The config for the Optimizer. Instantiating this will return a function \
(a [functools.partial][]) that will create the Optimizer given the hyper-parameters.
init_seed: The seed to use when initializing the weights of the network.
self.datamodule = datamodule
self.network_config = network
self.optimizer_config = optimizer
self.init_seed = init_seed
# Save hyper-parameters.
# Used by Pytorch-Lightning to compute the input/output shapes of the network. torch.nn.Module | None = None
def configure_model(self):
# Save this for PyTorch-Lightning to infer the input/output shapes of the network.
self.example_input_array = torch.zeros((self.datamodule.batch_size, *self.datamodule.dims))
with torch.random.fork_rng():
# deterministic weight initialization
torch.manual_seed(self.init_seed) = hydra_zen.instantiate(self.network_config)
if any(torch.nn.parameter.is_lazy(p) for p in
# Do a forward pass to initialize any lazy weights. This is necessary for
# distributed training and to infer shapes.
_ =
def forward(self, input: Tensor) -> Tensor:
"""Forward pass of the network."""
assert is not None
logits =
return logits
def training_step(self, batch: tuple[Tensor, Tensor], batch_index: int):
return self.shared_step(batch, batch_index=batch_index, phase="train")
def validation_step(self, batch: tuple[Tensor, Tensor], batch_index: int):
return self.shared_step(batch, batch_index=batch_index, phase="val")
def test_step(self, batch: tuple[Tensor, Tensor], batch_index: int):
return self.shared_step(batch, batch_index=batch_index, phase="test")
def shared_step(
batch: tuple[Tensor, Tensor],
batch_index: int,
phase: Literal["train", "val", "test"],
x, y = batch
logits: torch.Tensor = self(x)
loss = F.cross_entropy(logits, y, reduction="mean")
self.log(f"{phase}/loss", loss.detach().mean())
acc = logits.detach().argmax(-1).eq(y).float().mean()
self.log(f"{phase}/accuracy", acc)
return {"loss": loss, "logits": logits, "y": y}
def configure_optimizers(self):
"""Creates the optimizers.
See [`lightning.pytorch.core.LightningModule.configure_optimizers`][] for more information.
# Instantiate the optimizer config into a functools.partial object.
optimizer_partial = hydra_zen.instantiate(self.optimizer_config)
# Call the functools.partial object, passing the parameters as an argument.
optimizer = optimizer_partial(self.parameters())
# This then returns the optimizer.
return optimizer
def configure_callbacks(self) -> Sequence[Callback] | Callback:
"""Creates callbacks to be used by default during training."""
return [
ClassificationMetricsCallback.attach_to(self, num_classes=self.datamodule.num_classes)
Running the example#
Here is a configuration file that you can use to launch a simple experiment:
Click to show the yaml config file
# @package _global_
# This is an "experiment" config, that groups together other configs into a ready-to-run example.
# To execute this experiment, use:
# python project/ experiment=example
- override /algorithm: image_classifier
- override /algorithm/network: resnet18
- override /datamodule: cifar10
- override /trainer: default
- override /trainer/logger: tensorboard
- override /trainer/callbacks: default
# The parameters below will be merged with parameters from default configurations set above.
# This allows you to overwrite only specified parameters
# The name of the experiment (for logging)
name: example
seed: ${oc.env:SLURM_PROCID,42}
lr: 0.002
batch_size: 64
min_epochs: 1
max_epochs: 10
gradient_clip_val: 0.5
You can use it like so: