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Research Project Template#

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Please note: This is a work-in-progress and will get better over time! We want your feedback!πŸ™

This is a research project template. It is meant to be a starting point for ML researchers at Mila.

For more context, see this introduction to the project..

Starting a new project#

To create a new project using this template, Click Here or on the green "Use this template" button on the template's GitHub repository.

Setting up your environment#

Here are two recommended ways to setup your development environment:

  • Using the uv package manager
  • Using a development container (recommended if you are able to install Docker on your machine)
  1. Clone your new repo and navigate into it

    git clone
    cd your-repo-name
  2. Install the package manager

    # Install uv
    curl -LsSf | sh
    source $HOME/.cargo/env
  3. Install dependencies

    uv sync  # Creates a virtual environment and installs dependencies in it.
  1. Install WSL following this guide
  2. Follow the installation instructions for Linux
  1. Clone your new repo and navigate into it

    git clone
    cd your-repo-name
  2. (Mila cluster) - Launch the setup script

    If you're on the mila cluster, you can run the setup script on a compute node, just to be nice:

    srun --pty --gres=gpu:1 --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=16G --time=00:10:00 scripts/


To see all available options:

uv run python project/ --help

For a detailed list of examples, see the examples page.

Developing inside a container (advanced)#

This repo provides a Devcontainer configuration for Visual Studio Code to use a Docker container as a pre-configured development environment. This avoids struggles setting up a development environment and makes them reproducible and consistent.

If that sounds useful to you, we recommend you first make yourself familiar with the container tutorials if you want to use them. The devcontainer.json file assumes that you have a GPU locally by default. If not, you can simply comment out the "--gpus" flag in the .devcontainer/devcontainer.json file.

  1. Setup Docker on your local machine

    On an Linux machine where you have root access, you can install Docker using the following commands:

    curl -fsSL -o
    sudo sh

    On Windows or Mac, follow these installation instructions

  2. (optional) Install the nvidia-container-toolkit to use your local machine's GPU(s).

  3. Install the Dev Containers extension for Visual Studio Code.

  4. When opening repository in Visual Studio Code, you should be prompted to reopen the repository in a container:

    VsCode popup image

    Alternatively, you can open the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and select Dev Containers: Rebuild and Reopen in Container.